In my reinterpretation of La Rate Blanche as prose incorporating classical mythology into image making, I had the pleasure of reinterpreting the heroine of the folktale, The White Rat along the lines of Demeter, Core & Persephone’s experience with Hades. From seascapes such as Gustav Le Gray’s The Sun at Zenith, Normandy, (ca. 1855), I learnt that for the sake of believability, it’s necessary to maintain consistent angles amongst light sources when creating an image from multiple negatives. Although this is fanciful, I kept to that principle as I layered: sky reflected on water, wallpaper, landscape and portraiture.
Angel April Color MaskAngel April Colored MaskAngel April Sky On WaterAngel April Sky On Water MakAngel April Masked ArmsAngel April Masked With ArmsAngel April Monteverdi’s Angel Layer 2Angel April Mondeverdi’s Angel Layer 1Angel April Fairytale Wallpaper LayerAngel April Color Fill Layer